Jiujiang Dining
There are a lot of snacks in Jiujiang with a history of hundreds of years. Besides, cuisine in Jiujiang has formed its own characteristics. In other words, dishes in every city in Jiujiang have its own unique flavor. When you visit Jiujiang, it’s better taste snacks and dishes as the following.
What to Eat in Jiujiang
Jiujiang Fish Feast (九江鱼宴)
Jiujiang Fish Feast has a history of more than 1000 years. It is said that the fish feast was created in Three Kingdoms period (三国时期), and with people’s recreation, it has formed 5 types, including soups and desserts.
Lushan Shiji (庐山石鸡)
It is one of the most traditional dishes of Jiujiang. It is popular because of its unique flavor. The secret of Lushan shiji is in its ingredients, namely frog meat and tea leaves.
Fried Tofu (油炸豆腐)
It is a kind of traditional snack with a long history, and it is popular with local people because of its flavor.
Turnip Cake (萝卜饼 )
It is a traditional snack of Jiujiang. It is made from flour and turnip strips. It looks golden brown and tastes crisp as well as delicious. Local people always eat turnip cakes with milk or soybean milk.
Jiujiang Tea Cake (九江茶饼)
It is also called Lushan tea cake. It is originated from Dang dynasty, and it is one of the most famous four cakes in the South all the time. It tastes crisp and sweet. It is better to eat tea cakes with drinking tea.
Where to Eat in Jiujiang
Recommended Restaurants:
- Xiaoxunlu Restaurant (小浔庐餐厅) Address: No. 108, Nanhu Road, Xunyang District (九江市浔阳区南湖路108号) Tel: 0792-8220508
- Yixiangnan Restaurant (忆湘南) Address: No. 8, Hemian Street, Lushan City (九江市庐山市合面街8号) Tel: 0792-2246667
- Tianyuan Jiuxiang Restaurant (田园九香) Address: No. 94, Niangxi Road, Niangxi District (濂溪区濂溪路94号) Tel: 0792-8277877
- Yanyu Dongfang Restaurant (宴遇东方) Address: No. 18, Yuliang North Road, Xunyang District (九江市浔阳区庾亮北路18号) Tel: 0792-8126767
- Yinbinshan Shitu Restaurant (迎宾山石土菜馆) Address: No. 7, Guling Street, Guling Town (牯岭镇牯岭街7号) Tel: 0792-8283455
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