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Inner Mongolia Administrative Divisions

As of late 2017, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region has jurisdiction over 9 prefecture-level cities, 3 leagues (totaling 12 prefecture-level administrative divisions), 23 municipal districts, 11 county-level cities, 17 counties, 49 banners and 3 autonomous banners (totaling 103 county-level administrative divisions). The government seat of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is located Saihan District, Hohhot City.

9 prefecture-level cities: Hohhot city (呼和浩特市), Baotou city (包头市), Wuhai city (乌海市), Chifeng city (赤峰市), Tongliao city (通辽市), Ordos city (鄂尔多斯市), Hulunbuir city (呼伦贝尔市), Bayannur city (巴彦淖尔市), Ulanqab city (乌兰察布市).

3 leagues: Hinggan League (兴安盟), Xilingol League (锡林郭勒盟), Alxa League (阿拉善盟)

More Detailed Administrative Divisions

Administrative Divisions Area(Sq.km) Population 2017 Area Code Government Seat Areas Under Jurisdiction
Hohhot city  呼和浩特市 17344 2,866,615 0471 Xincheng District 新城区  Xincheng District (新城区), Saihan District (赛罕区), Huimin District (回民区), Yuquan District (玉泉区), Wuchuan County  (武川县), Togtoh County  (托克托县), Qingshuihe County  (清水河县), Horinger County (和林格尔县), Tumed Left Banner  (土默特左旗)
Baotou city 包头市 27768.00 2,877,700 0472 Jiuyuan District 九原区 Hondlon District (昆都仑区), Donghe District (东河区), Qingshan District (青山区), Xiguit District (石拐区), Jiuyuan District (九原区), Bayan'obo Mining District (白云鄂博矿区), Tumed Right Banner (土默特右旗), Guyang County (固阳县), Darhan Muminggan United Banner (达尔罕茂明安联合旗)
Wuhai city 乌海市 1754 561,100 0473 Haibowan District 海勃湾区 Haibowan District (海勃湾区), Hainan District (海南区),  Ud District (乌达区)
Chifeng city  赤峰市 90064 431,500 0476 Songshan District 松山区 Hongshan District (红山区), Yuanbaoshan District  (元宝山区), Songshan District (松山区), Ar Horqin Banner (阿鲁科尔沁旗), Bairin Left Banner (巴林左旗), Bairin Right Banner (巴林右旗), Linxi County (林西县), Hexigten Banner (克什克腾旗), Ongniud Banner (翁牛特旗), Harqin Banner (喀喇沁旗), Ningcheng County (宁城县), Aohan Banner (敖汉旗)
Tongliao city  通辽市 59364 3,163,600 0475  Horqin District 科尔沁区 Horqin District (科尔沁区), Holingol City (霍林郭勒市), Horqin Left Middle Banner (科尔沁左翼中旗), Horqin Left Rear Banner ( 科尔沁左翼后旗), Kailu County (开鲁县), Hure Banner (库伦旗), Naiman Banner (奈曼旗), Jarud Banner (扎鲁特旗)
Ordos city  鄂尔多斯市 86881 2,078,400 0477 Kangbashi District 康巴什区 Dongsheng Distrcit(东胜区), Kangbashi District(康巴什区),  Dalad Banner(达拉特旗), Jungar Banner(准格尔旗), Otog Front Banner(鄂托克前旗), Otog Banner (鄂托克旗), Hanggin Banner(杭锦旗), Uxin Banner (乌审旗), Ejin Horo Banner (伊金霍洛旗)
Hulunbuir city 呼伦贝尔市 262062 2,530,100 0470 Hailar District 海拉尔区 Hailar District(海拉尔区), Jalainur District (扎赉诺尔区),  Arun Banner(阿荣旗), New Barag Right Banner(新巴尔虎右旗), New Barag Left Banner(新巴尔虎左旗), Old Barag Banner(陈巴尔虎旗), Oroqen Autonomous Banner(鄂伦春自治旗), Ewenki Autonomous Banner(鄂温克族自治旗), Morin Dawa Daur Autonomous Banner(莫力达瓦达斡尔族自治旗),  Manzhouli City (满洲里市), Zhalantun City (扎兰屯市), Yakeshi City (牙克石市), Genhe City (根河市), Ergun City (额尔古纳市)
 Bayannur city  巴彦淖尔市  66263  1,685,000  0478  Linhe District 临河区  Linhe District (临河区), Wuyuan County (五原县), Dengkou County (磴口县), Urad Front Banner (乌拉特前旗), Urad Middle Banner (乌拉特中旗), Urad Rear Banner (乌拉特后旗), Hanggin Rear Banner (杭锦后旗)
 Ulanqab city 乌兰察布市  54795  2,096,100  0474  Jining District 集宁区 Jining District (集宁区), Fengzhen City (丰镇市), Zhuozi County (卓资县), Huade County (化德县), Shangdu County (商都县), Xinghe County (兴和县), Liangcheng County (凉城县), Qahar Right Front Banner (察哈尔右翼前旗), Qahar Right Middle Banner (察哈尔右翼中旗), Qahar Right Rear Banner (察哈尔右翼后旗), Dorbod Banner (四子王旗)
 Hinggan League 兴安盟  59815 1,607,900  0482  Ulanhot City 乌兰浩特市  Ulanhot City (乌兰浩特市), Arxan City (阿尔山市), Horqin Right Front Banner (科尔沁右翼前旗), Horqin Right Middle Banner (科尔沁右翼中旗), Jalaid Banner (扎赉特旗), Tuquan County (突泉县)
 Xilingol League  锡林郭勒盟  199882  1,051,600  0479  Xilinhot City 锡林浩特市 Xilinhot City (锡林浩特市), Erenhot City (二连浩特市), Abag Banner (阿巴嘎旗), Sonid Left Banner (苏尼特左旗), Sonid Right Banner (苏尼特右旗), East Ujimqin Banner (东乌珠穆沁旗), West Ujimqin Banner (西乌珠穆沁旗), Taipusi Banner (太仆寺旗), Bordered Yellow Banner (镶黄旗), Zhengxiangbai Banner (正镶白旗), Plain Blue Banner (正蓝旗), Duolun County (多伦县)
 Alxa League  阿拉善盟  270244  245,700  0483  Alxa Left Banner 阿拉善左旗  Alxa Left Banner (阿拉善左旗), Alxa Right Banner (阿拉善右旗), Ejin Banner (额济纳旗)


1. Most of Inner Mongolia's prefectural regions were known as Leagues (Chinese: 盟), a usage retained from Mongol divisions of the Qing dynasty. Similarly, county-level divisions are often known as Banners (Chinese: 旗). 

2. New district established after census: Kangbashi from a part of Dongsheng. The new district is included in the urban area & district area count.

3. New district established after census: Zhalainuo'er from a part of Manzhouli CLC. The new district not included in the urban area & district area count of the pre-expanded city.

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