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Baotou Administrative Divisions

Baotou Administrative Divisions: by the end of 2015, Baotou city has jurisdiction over five municipal districts, one county, one mining area, two banners and one national high-tech industrial development zone.

Five Municipal DistrictsHondlon District (昆都仑区), Donghe District (东河区), Qingshan District (青山区), Xiguit District (石拐区), Jiuyuan District (九原区)

One County: Guyang County (固阳县)

One Mining AreaBayan'obo Mining District (白云鄂博矿区)

Two BannersTumed Right Banner (土默特右旗), Darhan Muminggan United Banner (达尔罕茂明安

One national high-tech industrial development zone: Baotou Rare-Earth Hi-Tech Industry Development Zone (包头稀土高新技术产业开发区)

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Bring copies of your passport

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Register with your embassy

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Always have local cash

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