Ili Climate
Ili is characterized by short summers and long winters. Spring sees fast temperature increase but with unstable feature. Autumn sees fast temperature decline. Usually, spring is 30 days shorter than autumn. Abundant sunshine, relative low humidity, and strong evaporation are the features of climate there. Besides, large temperature differences between day and night are one of the typical features of local climate. For the disastrous weather, late autumn and early spring often experience cold air intrusion, with rapid temperature decline and snowstorm. In early winter, there are frost days. In summer, storm, hail and dry-hot wind are normal disasters.
The rainfall of the prefecture is affected by atmospheric circulation and topography. Because of the warm moist air flows from the Atlantic ocean and airflow from the Arctic Ocean, together with the landform that Ili is surrounded by mountains on sides, the rainfall of the prefecture varies a lot in different places.
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