Qingdao Climate
Due to its proximity to the coast and being on a peninsula, it experiences a one-month delayed spring compared to most inland areas of China. Summer is generally hot and humid, but very hot days are rare, with an August average of 25.3°C, and the annual diurnal temperature variation is only 6.3°C. Autumn is milder than inland areas in Shandong. The temperature peaks at about 25.3°C in late August, with swimming possible two months on either side. Winter is cold and windy, and generally dry, with a January average of −0.5°C.
According to the meteorological data since 1898, the city annual average temperature is 12.7°C. Its extreme high temperature is 38.9°C (July 15, 2002), and the extreme low temperature is 16.9°C (January 10, 1931). Daily highest temperature above 30°C days for a year are annual average 11.4 days; Days of daily minimum temperature below 5°C annually are about 22 days.
The annual average rainfall of is 662.1 millimeters, and the rainfall of spring, summer, autumn and winter respectively accounted for 17%, 57%, 21%, 5% of the whole year rainfall precipitation. The largest annual rainfall precipitation which occurred in 1991 is 1272.7 mm, and the least in 1981 is 308.2 mm. The average annual snowfall days are only 10 days.