Hami Attractions
Situated in a pleasant location where Central Plain and Western China culture meet, together with the advantage of climate which brings marvelous but quiet different in southern and northern regions, Hami is blessed with a number of splendid tourist sites that visitors could be amazed, such as Hami Emperor's Tomb (哈密王陵), Mansion of Moslem King (回王府), Hami Castle of Demon (哈密魔鬼城), Barkol Mingshashan Mountain (巴里坤鸣沙山), Barkol Grassland, Barkol Lake, Hanqigou (寒气沟), the Ancient City of Lafuqueke (拉甫却克古城), the Ancient City of Dahe (大河唐城), Ruins of Baiyanggou Buddhist Temple (白杨沟佛寺遗址), etc.
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