Xian Metro Line 5

Xian Metro Line 5 serves as a pivotal component of Xian’s rapid transit network, designed to improve connectivity and accessibility across key areas of the city, catering to both residents and visitors. Line 5 is a line of the Xi’an Metro. The line runs from east to west, and starts at Chuangxingang and ends at Xi’andongzhan. The line is colored yellow-green on maps.

Key Features

Route and Stations

  • Total Length: Approximately 35.3 kilometers (22 miles)
  • Number of Stations: 27 stations

Major Stations

  • Xi’an North Railway Station: Starting point in Weiyang District, a major transportation hub connecting with high-speed rail services.
  • Xianning Road: Central station providing access to commercial areas and educational institutions.
  • Chanba Ecological District: Terminal station promoting sustainable development and environmental conservation.


Services Station name Connections Location
English Chinese
Chuangxingang 创新港 Chang’an Xi’an
Chuangxingangdong 创新港东 Qindu Xianyang
Aoxiangxiaozhen 翱翔小镇
Diaotai 钓台
Fengxiwenhuagongyuan 沣西文化公园 Chang’an Xi’an
Dongmafang 东马坊
Gaoqiao 高桥
Wenjiaoyuan 文教园
Huanlegu 欢乐谷  16
Haojing 镐京
Fuxingdadaonan 复兴大道南
Doumen 斗门
Wangsi 王寺
Epanggongnan 阿房宫南  Xihu Weiyang
Shiqiaolijiao 石桥立交
Xiyaotou 西窑头 Yanta
Hanchengnanlu 汉城南路
Jinguangmen 金光门
Fengqinggongyuan 丰庆公园 Lianhu
Xibeigongyedaxue 西北工业大学  6 Beilin
Bianjiacun 边家村
Shengrenminyiyuan · Huangyancun 省人民医院·黄雁村
Nanshaomen 南稍门  2
Wenyilu 文艺路
Jianzhukejidaxue · Lijiacun 建筑科技大学·李家村  4
Taiyilu 太乙路
Yanxianglubeikou 雁翔路北口 Yanta
Qinglongsi 青龙寺  3
Ligongdaqujiangxiaoqu 理工大曲江校区
Huangqutou 黄渠头
Matengkong 马腾空
Yuedengge 月登阁
Yanminghu 雁鸣湖 Baqiao
Xi’andongzhan 西安东站 China Railway  Xi’an East (U/C)

Operational Details

  • Opening Date: Phase 1 began operations on December 28, 2021.
  • Operator: Xian Metro Corporation
  • Train Type: Modern trains equipped with advanced safety features and passenger amenities.

Stations and Transfers

Notable Stations

  • Xi’an North Railway Station: Connects metro passengers to high-speed rail services, enhancing regional connectivity and facilitating seamless travel.
  • Xianning Road: Provides convenient access to commercial centers, educational institutions, and residential areas.

Benefits and Significance


  • Enhances connectivity across Xian, linking residential neighborhoods, commercial centers, and educational institutions, thereby improving urban mobility.


  • Reduces travel times and alleviates traffic congestion on city roads, providing a reliable transportation option for daily commuters.

Development Impact

  • Supports economic growth by improving accessibility to key destinations and stimulating urban development along the metro corridor.

Future Developments

  • Planned expansions will extend Line 5 further, adding more stations and optimizing service frequency to meet growing passenger demand.

Travel Tips

  • Peak Hours: Travel during off-peak times to avoid crowded trains and ensure a comfortable commute.
  • Transfers: Utilize interchange stations such as Xi’an North Railway Station for convenient transfers to other metro lines and transportation modes.
  • Accessibility: Line 5 provides easy access to commercial hubs, educational institutions, and major transportation terminals, enhancing convenience for travelers and residents alike.


Xian Metro Line 5 plays a crucial role in Xian’s transportation infrastructure, offering efficient connectivity and contributing to the city’s development goals. Whether for daily commuting or exploring the city’s attractions, Line 5 significantly enhances urban mobility and improves the overall quality of life for Xian’s residents.