Top Muslim Halal Food Restaurants in Xinjiang


Xinjiang, home to a rich tapestry of cultures and traditions, is known for its vibrant halal food scene. The region’s cuisine, influenced by its diverse ethnic groups, especially the Uyghurs, features an array of flavorful dishes that highlight local ingredients and cooking methods. Here’s a guide to some of the top halal food restaurants in Xinjiang, showcasing authentic flavors and culinary experiences.

List of Halal Food Restaurants

1. Da Pan Ji (大盘鸡)

  • Address: Urumqi City, Wangjialing District, Near the East Railway Station
  • Details: Famous for its large plate chicken, this restaurant serves generous portions of chicken cooked with potatoes, bell peppers, and spicy sauce. It’s a must-try for those looking for hearty, flavorful dishes.

2. Suyuan Restaurant (苏园餐厅)

  • Address: Urumqi City, South Tianchi Road, Near the People’s Square
  • Details: This restaurant specializes in traditional Uyghur dishes, including lamb kebabs and pilaf (大盘饭). The ambiance is warm and inviting, making it a great spot for families.

3. Aqiq Restaurant (阿克奇餐厅)

  • Address: Urumqi City, Xinhua South Road, Near the Grand Bazaar
  • Details: Known for its authentic Uyghur barbecue, Aqiq offers a variety of skewers, including beef and lamb. The bustling atmosphere adds to the dining experience.

4. Xinjiang Muslim Restaurant (新疆清真餐厅)

  • Address: Urumqi City, Renmin Road, Near the Xinjiang Museum
  • Details: A popular choice for both locals and tourists, this restaurant serves a wide range of halal dishes, from noodles to stir-fried vegetables, all bursting with flavor.

5. Noodle House (面馆)

  • Address: Urumqi City, East Heping Road, Near the Wangfujing Shopping Area
  • Details: Specializing in hand-pulled noodles, this casual eatery is perfect for a quick and delicious meal. Their spicy noodle soup is highly recommended.

6. Koshak Restaurant (库车餐厅)

  • Address: Kuitun City, Xihua Road, Near Kuitun Park
  • Details: This restaurant features a mix of Uyghur and Han Chinese dishes. The grilled meats and fresh bread are standout items on the menu.

7. Ghulja Halal Food Street (伊犁清真美食街)

  • Address: Yining City, Ghulja Road
  • Details: A vibrant food street filled with various stalls and restaurants offering a variety of halal snacks and dishes. It’s a great place to explore local flavors.

8. Uyghur Cuisine Restaurant (维吾尔族餐厅)

  • Address: Karamay City, South Yingbin Road
  • Details: Specializes in traditional Uyghur cuisine, featuring dishes like lamb pilaf and Uyghur-style dumplings. The restaurant has a cozy atmosphere and friendly service.

9. Yili Halal Restaurant (伊犁清真餐厅)

  • Address: Yining City, Near the Yili River
  • Details: Known for its fresh ingredients and delicious flavors, this restaurant offers a variety of halal dishes, including grilled meats and vegetable stir-fries.

10. Tian Shan Restaurant (天山餐厅)

  • Address: Urumqi City, North Yangzijiang Road, Near the Tian Shan Hotel
  • Details: This restaurant offers a wide selection of halal dishes, focusing on both traditional and contemporary interpretations of Xinjiang cuisine.

Travel Tips

  • Transportation: Urumqi is accessible by train and plane, with many halal restaurants located near major attractions. Public transport and taxis are convenient options for getting around.
  • Best Times to Visit: Dinner time is bustling, with many locals dining out. Consider visiting during special occasions or festivals to experience traditional food offerings.
  • Local Specialties: Be sure to try local favorites like lamb kebabs (羊肉串), pilaf (抓饭), and various types of bread (烤馕).

Explore the unique and delicious halal food scene in Xinjiang for an unforgettable culinary journey!