Top Muslim Halal Food Restaurants in Shaanxi


Shaanxi Province, particularly known for its rich Islamic heritage and cultural diversity, offers a plethora of halal dining options. The cuisine here is heavily influenced by the Hui people, known for their delicious lamb and noodle dishes. Here’s a list of some of the top halal food restaurants in Shaanxi, complete with details.

List of Halal Food Restaurants

1. De Fa Chang Restaurant (德发长餐馆)

  • Address: Xi’an City, Beilin District, Near the Bell Tower
  • Details: Famous for its traditional Chinese dumplings, De Fa Chang offers a range of halal options. The restaurant’s elegant ambiance and delicious dishes make it a popular dining spot.

2. Hui Min Restaurant (回民餐馆)

  • Address: Xi’an City, Muslim Quarter, Near the Great Mosque
  • Details: Located in the bustling Muslim Quarter, this restaurant specializes in authentic Hui cuisine, including grilled lamb and hand-pulled noodles. The vibrant atmosphere adds to the experience.

3. Yangrou Paomo (羊肉泡馍)

  • Address: Xi’an City, Near the Drum Tower
  • Details: A must-try dish in Shaanxi, Yangrou Paomo consists of shredded bread soaked in lamb soup. This restaurant is known for its rich flavors and generous portions.

4. Xian Muslim Restaurant (西安穆斯林餐厅)

  • Address: Xi’an City, Xincheng District, Near the Xi’an Railway Station
  • Details: Offering a variety of halal dishes, including stir-fried vegetables and lamb kebabs, this restaurant is a favorite among locals and travelers alike.

5. Liangpi Noodle House (凉皮面馆)

  • Address: Xi’an City, Near the West Gate
  • Details: Specializing in Liangpi (cold skin noodles), this eatery serves refreshing dishes perfect for a quick and tasty meal. The spicy sauce adds a flavorful kick.

6. Dongfang Jiaozi Wang (东方饺子王)

  • Address: Xi’an City, Near the Giant Wild Goose Pagoda
  • Details: Known as “The King of Dumplings,” this restaurant offers a wide variety of halal dumplings and traditional dishes, all made with fresh ingredients.

7. Shaanxi Halal Food Street (陕西清真美食街)

  • Address: Xi’an City, Near the Muslim Quarter
  • Details: This vibrant food street is filled with numerous halal vendors offering local snacks and dishes. It’s an ideal place to sample a variety of flavors in one spot.

8. Shaanxi Hui Restaurant (陕西回族餐厅)

  • Address: Xi’an City, Yanta District, Near the Shaanxi History Museum
  • Details: This restaurant features a menu of traditional Hui dishes, including spicy lamb hot pot and stir-fried dishes. The cozy setting is perfect for family gatherings.

9. Old Xi’an Halal Noodles (老西安清真面馆)

  • Address: Xi’an City, Near the South Gate
  • Details: Specializing in hand-pulled noodles and hearty broth, this local favorite is known for its authentic flavors and generous servings.

10. Xinjiang Halal Cuisine (新疆清真餐厅)

  • Address: Xi’an City, Near the Xi’an North Railway Station
  • Details: This restaurant brings flavors from Xinjiang to Shaanxi, serving dishes like lamb skewers and naan bread. The warm atmosphere is inviting and perfect for a casual meal.

Travel Tips

  • Transportation: Xi’an is well-connected by high-speed trains and buses, making it easy to reach various dining spots. Many halal restaurants are located in the city center or near popular tourist attractions.
  • Dining Hours: Most restaurants are busy during lunch and dinner hours. For a more comfortable experience, consider visiting during off-peak times.
  • Local Specialties: Be sure to try the local specialties like Yangrou Paomo and Liangpi for an authentic taste of Shaanxi’s culinary heritage.

Enjoy exploring the diverse and delicious halal food scene in Shaanxi!