The Best Rou Jia Mo Restaurants in Xian
Fan Ji Restaurant 樊记腊汁肉夹馍
- Zhu Ba Shi Branch (竹笆市店)
Address: No.53, Zhubashi Street, Beilin District, Xi’anCity 西安市碑林区竹笆市街53号
Tel: 029-87273917 - Qu Chi Fang Branch (曲池坊店)
Address: No.10101, No. 8 Building, Quchiifang Lane, No.89, Furong West Road 芙蓉西路89号曲池坊8栋10101号
Tel: 029-89138823 - Hou Zai Men Branch (后宰门店)
Address: No.147, North Street, Xincheng District 新城区北大街147号
Tel: 029-87380657
Qin Yu Restaurant 秦豫肉夹馍
- Dong Mu Tou Shi Branch (东木头市店)
Address: No.19, Dong Mu Tou Shi, Beilin District, Xi’anCity 西安市碑林区东木头市19号
Tel: 13991825228 - Dong Yang Shi Branch (东羊市店)
Address: No.5, Dong Yang Shi, Beilin District, Xi’anCity 西安市碑林区马厂子东羊市5号
Tel: 18700976527
Yuan Ji Restaurant 袁记腊汁肉夹馍
- Wangfujing Department Store Branch (王府井百货店)
Address: No.11, Fenghuang Avenue 凤凰大道11号
Tel: 029-81372296 - East Street Branch (东街店)
Address: No.1, East Street, Lintong Distrcit, Xi’an City 西安市临潼区东大街1号
Tel: 029-83810665 - Xiao Zhai Branch (小寨店)
Address: No.104, Chang’an Middle Road, Qujiang Commercial Center, Yanta District 雁塔区曲江商圈长安中路104号
Tel: 029-85223096
Zi Wu Lu Zhang Ji Restaurant 子午路张记肉夹馍
- Ziwu Road Branch (子午路店)
Address: Intersection of Xiaozhai West Road and Zhuque Avenue, Yanta District 雁塔区小寨西路与朱雀大街交叉口
Tel: 029-85391737 - Xi Men Branch (西门店)
Address: 1st Floor, Baolong Building, No. 35, West Street 西大街335号宝隆大厦1层
Tel: 029-87622355 - Lifeng Shopping Center Branch (立丰国际购物广场店)
Address: No. 6, Jinhua South Street, Beilin District 碑林区金花南路6号
Tel: 029-82630340