Shannan Education
In 2013, Shannan implemented the fund of 12.1 million Yuan to ensure that 3,385 children of farmers and herdsmen admitted to the university were enrolled.
According to the official website in March 2016, there were 349 schools of various types at all levels in Shannan, including 1 secondary vocational and technical school, 2 high schools, 15 junior high schools, 1 nine-year compulsory education school, and 97 primary schools. There were 132 teaching points and 101 kindergartens (including civilian-run and independent kindergartens). There were 58,772 students in the school, including 9,648 high school students (including vocational school students), 14,703 junior high school students, 27,225 primary school students, and 7,296 children in preschool and kindergarten. The enrollment rate of primary school children was 99.92%; the enrollment rate of junior high school was 107%, and the enrollment rate of high school was 73%. The non-literacy rate remained above 99%. There were 4,736 faculty members in primary and secondary schools in the whole region, and the qualifications of full-time teachers in primary, middle and high schools have reached 98%. Among them, there were 3 special-class teachers, 133 senior teachers and 1,850 intermediate teachers.
With long history, splendid ethnic culture and Buddhist culture, Shannan is a excellent destination to start your students education tour.
Chinese Name | English Name | Address |
西藏山南试验幼儿园 | Shannan Shiyan Kindergarten in Tibet | No. 1 Jibo Alley, Nedong District, Shannan(山南市乃东区吉波巷1号) |
措美县中心幼儿园 | Central Kindergarten in Comai County |
Nearby Comai County Primary School, Shannan(山南市措美县措美镇完小附近) |
加查县双语幼儿园 | Bilingual Kindergarten in Gyaca County | Zhongba Street, Gyaca County, Shannan, Tibet(西藏自治区山南市加查县仲巴街) |
星光幼儿园 | Xingguang Kindergarten | Qingwa Dazi Road(青瓦达孜路) |
格拉村双语幼儿园 | Bilingual Kindergarten in Gamla Village | East 50 meters, 202 Provincial Highway(202省道东50米) |
扎囊县幼儿园 |
Zhanang County Kindergarten |
No. 1 Kaibaka Road, Samye Town(桑耶镇凯巴卡路1号) |
西藏山南市第三小学 | Shannan No. 3 Primary School in Tibet | No. 9 West Xiangqu Road, Nedong District, Shannan, Tibet(西藏自治区山南市乃东区香曲西路9号) |
西藏山南市一小 | Shannan No. 1 Primary School in Tibet | No. 5 Gongbu Road(贡布路5) |
错那县完全小学 |
Cona County Primary School |
Nearby Xiari Road(夏日路附近) |
泽当镇完小 | Tsetang Town Primary School | West 150 meters, Aqu Alley, Nedong District, Shannan(山南市乃东区阿曲巷西150米) |
洛扎镇完全小学 | Lhozhag Town Primary School | No. 2 Xialu Road, Lhozhag County, Shannan, Tibet(西藏自治区山南市洛扎县夏鲁路2号) |
西藏山南桑日中学 | Shannan Sangri Primary School in Tibet | Sangri County, Shannan(山南市桑日县) |
山南市第一高中 | Shannan No.1 High School | No. 91 Nedong Road, Nedong District(乃东区乃东路91号) |
山南东辉中学 | Shannan Donghui Middle School | No. 1 Hunan Road, Nedong District(乃东区湖南路1号) |
西藏扎囊县中学 |
Zhanang County Middle School in Tibet |
No. 1 Zheyang Road, Zhetang Town(扎塘镇折养路1号) |
西藏山南市职业技术学校 | Shannan Vocational-technical School in Tibet | No. 7 Anhui Avenue, Tsetang Town(泽当镇安徽大道7号) |