Honghe Culture
Ethnic culture in Honghe is diverse and colorful. Different ethnic groups create different festivals and culture. In Honghe, Hani people and Yi people as the representatives, the culture they created, like terrace culture, has attracted a crowd of tourists.
1. Ethnic Groups in Honghe
Honghe Prefecture is a frontier ethnic minority autonomous county in which 10 ethnic groups have lived there for generations. Ethnic groups include Han, Yi, Hani, Miao, Zhuang, Dai, Yao, Hui, Lahu, Bai and other minorities. Yi and Hani are two main ethnic minority groups, accounting for more than 40% of total population.
2. Ethnic Towns in Honghe
Qilu Bai and Miao Ethnic Town(期路白苗族乡), Mengzi City, Honghe
Laozhai Miao Ethnic Town(老寨苗族乡), Mengzi City, Honghe
Dazhuang Hui Ethnic Town(大庄回族乡), Kaiyuan City, Honghe
Zhemi Lahu Ethnic Town(者米拉祜族乡), Jinping Miao, Yao and Dai Autonomous County, Honghe
Qiaotou Miao and Zhuang Ethnic Town(桥头苗族壮族乡), Hekou Yao Autonomous County, Honghe
3. Traditional Ethnic Villages in Honghe
Jiajizhai Village of Jijie Town in Gejiu City, Honghe(个旧市鸡街镇加级寨村)
Lengdun Village of Baohe Town in Gejiu City, Honghe(个旧市保和乡木花果村委会冷墩村)
Luomo Village of Datun Town in Gejiu City, Honghe(个旧市大屯镇倮莫村 )
Moduo Village of Xiaolongtan Town in Kaiyuan City, Honghe(开远市小龙潭镇摩朵村)
Shuidaying Village of Xizhuang Town in Jianshui County, Honghe(建水县西庄镇水打营村)
Dingqing Village of Zhemila Lahu Ethnic Town in Jinping County, Honghe(金平苗族瑶族傣族自治县者米拉祜族乡顶青村)
Baimengkong Village of Qilubai Miao Ethnic Town in Mengzi City, Honghe(蒙自市期路白乡白猛孔村)
Mingjiu Village of Mingjiu Town in Mengzi City, Honghe Prefecture(红河州蒙自市鸣鹫镇鸣鹫村)
4. Ethnic Culture in Honghe
There are some folk activities like Huadeng dance(花灯舞) or lantern dance of Yi ethnic minority, Long Street Banquet of Hani ethnic people in Jinping county, Lion dance (Tiaoshizi) festival of Miao ethnic minority in Pingbian county, Manggu dance(芒鼓舞) and Yuezuo dance(乐作舞) of Hani people etc, by which you can know something about minority residential and dress culture.
5. Ethnic Festivals in Honghe
The festivals of Hani people are mainly Ku Zha Zha Festival(矻扎扎节), October Festival(十月节) and June Festival(六月节). The main festivals of Yi people, like the Torch Festival, Yi New Year(彝族年) and Tiaoge Festival(跳歌节). In addition, Huashan Festival of Miao(花山节), Panwang Festival of Yao(盘龙节), Eid of Hui(开斋节) and so on.