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Gansu Administrative Divisions

These administrative divisions are explained in greater detail at Administrative divisions of the People's Republic of China. The following table lists only the prefecture-level and county-level divisions of Gansu.

Prefecture level(Division code) County LevelName Chinese Hanyu Pinyin Division code[1]

Lanzhou city
Lánzhōu Shì
Chengguan District 城关区 Chéngguān Qū 620102
Qilihe District 七里河区 Qīlǐhé Qū 620103
Xigu District 西固区 Xīgù Qū 620104
Anning District 安宁区 Ānníng Qū 620105
Honggu District 红古区 Hónggǔ Qū 620111
Yongdeng County 永登县 Yǒngdēng Xiàn 620121
Gaolan County 皋兰县 Gāolán Xiàn 620122
Yuzhong County 榆中县 Yúzhōng Xiàn 620123
Jiayuguan city
Jiāyùguān Shì
Xiongguan District[a] 雄关区 Xióngguān Qū 620201
Changcheng District[a] 长城区 Chángchéng Qū
Jingtie District[a] 镜铁区 Jìngtiě Qū
Jinchang city
Jīnchāng Shì
Jinchuan District 金川区 Jīnchuān Qū 620302
Yongchang County 永昌县 Yǒngchāng Xiàn 620321
Baiyin city
Báiyín Shì
Baiyin District 白银区 Báiyín Qū 620402
Pingchuan District 平川区 Píngchuān Qū 620403
Jingyuan County 靖远县 Jìngyuǎn Xiàn 620421
Huining County 会宁县 Huìníng Xiàn 620422
Jingtai County 景泰县 Jǐngtài Xiàn 620423
Tianshui city
Tiānshuǐ Shì
Qinzhou District 秦州区 Qínzhōu Qū 620502
Maiji District 麦积区 Màijī Qū 620503
Qingshui County 清水县 Qīngshuǐ Xiàn 620521
Qin'an County 秦安县 Qín'ān Xiàn 620522
Gangu County 甘谷县 Gāngǔ Xiàn 620523
Wushan County 武山县 Wǔshān Xiàn 620524
Zhangjiachuan County[b] 张家川县 Zhāngjiāchuān Xiàn 620525
Wuwei city
Wǔwēi Shì
Liangzhou District 凉州区 Liángzhōu Qū 620602
Minqin County 民勤县 Mínqín Xiàn 620621
Gulang County 古浪县 Gǔlàng Xiàn 620622
Tianzhu County[c] 天祝县 Tiānzhù Xiàn 620623
Zhangye city
Zhāngyè Shì
Ganzhou District 甘州区 Gānzhōu Qū 620702
Sunan County[d] 肃南县 Sùnán Xiàn 620721
Minle County 民乐县 Mínlè Xiàn 620722
Linze County 临泽县 Línzé Xiàn 620723
Gaotai County 高台县 Gāotái Xiàn 620724
Shandan County 山丹县 Shāndān Xiàn 620725
Pingliang city
Píngliáng Shì
Kongtong District 崆峒区 Kōngtóng Qū 620802
Jingchuan County 泾川县 Jīngchuān Xiàn 620821
Lingtai County 灵台县 Língtái Xiàn 620822
Chongxin County 崇信县 Chóngxìn Xiàn 620823
Zhuanglang County 庄浪县 Zhuānglàng Xiàn 620825
Jingning County 静宁县 Jìngníng Xiàn 620826
Huating city 华亭市 Huátíng Shì 620881
Jiuquan city
Jiǔquán Shì
Suzhou District 肃州区 Sùzhōu Qū 620902
Jinta County 金塔县 Jīntǎ Xiàn 620921
Guazhou County 瓜州县 Guāzhōu Xiàn 620922
Subei County[e] 肃北县 Sùběi Xiàn 620923
Akesai County[f] 阿克塞县 Ākèsài Xiàn 620924
Yumen city 玉门市 Yùmén Shì 620981
Dunhuang city 敦煌市 Dūnhuáng Shì 620982
Qingyang city
Qìngyáng Shì
Xifeng District 西峰区 Xīfēng Qū 621002
Qingcheng County 庆城县 Qìngchéng Xiàn 621021
Huanxian County[g] 环县 Huánxiàn 621022
Huachi County 华池县 Huáchí Xiàn 621023
Heshui County 合水县 Héshuǐ Xiàn 621024
Zhengning County 正宁县 Zhèngníng Xiàn 621025
Ningxian County[g] 宁县 Níngxiàn 621026
Zhenyuan County 镇原县 Zhènyuán Xiàn 621027
Dingxi city
Dìngxī Shì
Anding District 安定区 Āndìng Qū 621102
Tongwei County 通渭县 Tōngwèi Xiàn 621121
Longxi County 陇西县 Lǒngxī Xiàn 621122
Weiyuan County 渭源县 Wèiyuán Xiàn 621123
Lintao County 临洮县 Líntáo Xiàn 621124
Zhangxian County[g] 漳县 Zhāngxiàn 621125
Minxian County[g] 岷县 Mínxiàn 621126
Longnan city
Lǒngnán Shì
Wudu District 武都区 Wǔdū Qū 621202
Chengxian County[g] 成县 Chéngxiàn 621221
Wenxian County[g] 文县 Wénxiàn 621222
Tanchang County 宕昌县 Tànchāng Xiàn 621223
Kangxian County[g] 康县 Kāngxiàn 621224
Xihe County 西和县 Xīhé Xiàn 621225
Lixian County[g] 礼县 Lǐxiàn 621226
Huixian County[g] 徽县 Huīxiàn 621227
Liangdang County 两当县 Liǎngdāng Xiàn 621228
Linxia Prefecture[h]
Línxià Zhōu
Linxia city 临夏市 Línxià Shì 622901
Linxia County 临夏县 Línxià Xiàn 622921
Kangle County 康乐县 Kānglè Xiàn 622922
Yongjing County 永靖县 Yǒngjìng Xiàn 622923
Guanghe County 广河县 Guǎnghé Xiàn 622924
Hezheng County 和政县 Hézhèng Xiàn 622925
Dongxiang County[i] 东乡县 Dōngxiāng Xiàn 622926
Jishishan County[j] 积石山县 Jīshíshān Xiàn 622927
Gannan Prefecture[k]
Gānnán Zhōu
Hezuo city 合作市 Hézuò Shì 623001
Lintan County 临潭县 Líntán Xiàn 623021
Zhuoni County 卓尼县 Zhuóní Xiàn 623022
Zhongqu County 舟曲县 Zhōuqū Xiàn 623023
Diebu County 迭部县 Diébù Xiàn 623024
Maqu County 玛曲县 Mǎqū Xiàn 623025
Luqu County 碌曲县 Lùqū Xiàn 623026
Xiahe County 夏河县 Xiàhé Xiàn 623027

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