Dunhuang Climate

Dunhuang climate and weather belong continental climate zone. Located in continental hinterland with a high altitude, Dunhuang weather is dry, accumulating to 35mm of annually precipitation occurs only in trace amounts and quickly evaporates; and the temperature difference between day and night is large. The annual average temperature is 9.3 °C (48.7 °F), but ranges from 24.7 °C (76.5 °F) in July to −9.3 °C (15 °F) in January. Dunhuang is extremely hot in summer and bitterly cold in winter. The hottest month is July with the average highest temperature of around 34℃ (93℉). The coldest month is January with the average lowest temperature of around -16℃ (3℉).

Dunhuang Weather Graphs and Climate Features

Quick climate information about Dunhuang: Hottest Month July (25 °C avg); Coldest Month January (-8 °C avg); Wettest Month June (13.5 mm avg); Windiest Month April (9 km/h avg); Annual Rainfall 57.6 mm (per year).

Average Temperature in Dunhuang


The warmest month (with the highest average high temperature) is July (32.7°C). The month with the lowest average high temperature is January (-0.8°C). The month with the highest average low temperature is July (16.4°C). The coldest month (with the lowest average low temperature) is January (-14.6°C).

Precipitation and Rainfall Days in Dunhuang

The wettest month (with the highest rainfall) is July (15.2mm). Driest months (with the lowest rainfall) are JanuaryFebruaryOctober and December (0.8mm).

The month with the highest number of rainy days is July (4.8 days). The month with the lowest number of rainy days is October (0.5 days).

Daylight & Sunshine Hours in Dunhuang

Months with the longest days are June and July (Average daylight: 15h). The month with shortest days is December (Average daylight: 9h). The month with most sunshine is June (Average sunshine: 10.5h). The month with least sunshine is December (Average sunshine: 6.7h).

UV Index in Dunhuang

The month with the highest UV index is July (UV index 11). Months with the lowest UV index are JanuaryNovember and December (UV index 2).

Note: The graphs are annual datas for reference only, for the real-time temperature, please turn to Weather Forecast, dail 12121.

 Dunhuang Climate - Four Seasons & What to Pack

Dunhuang enjoys a typical arid climate in warm temperate zone, with less rainfall, great evaporation rate, large temperature difference between day and night, dry climate and distinct four seasons. Spring is warm and windy, summer is extremely hot, autumn is cool and winter is cold. This part will tell you the weather and climate of the fours seasons in Dunhuang and what to pack for Dunhuang Travel.

Spring (March - Early June)

  • Weather Feature: It remains cold and dry in early spring, and strong winds and sandstorms are likely to take place in Dunhuang this time. The temperature gradually rises up during daytime but still cold in the evenings in middle and late Spring.
  • Average Temperature: - 3℃ to 13℃ .
  • What to Bring:  Sweater, long-sleeve shirts plus wind breaker are necessities for Dunhuang climate in spring. If visitors plan to go across Echoing Sand Mountain, wear a mask or gauze-kerchief to prevent sands blowing into your noses, eyes and hairs.
  • Seasonal Travel: Spring is warm and good time for outdoor activities  to parks and green scenic spots. Desert tours should be avoided or planned according to the weather report in case of a sand storm.

Summer (Middle June - August )

  • Weather Feature: Summer is fervent with slight rainfall in Dunhuang. The temperature has a large rise with almost 12 sunshine hours per day. July is the hottest month of the year, with the average temperature of  34℃.
  • Average Temperature: 14℃ - 30℃
  • What to Bring: Sunscreen and wear hat, breathable summer clothes, shorts, T-shirts, light pants, are appropriate to fit the fervent weather. In addition, timely water replenishment is in necessity in such hot, dry summer. 
  • Seasonal Travel: Summer is the peak season for Dunhuang tourism although it is hot. When coming to summer in July and August, people can eat fresh fruit in Dunhuang, and Crescent Lake in summer night is good, people can lie down watching the stars in the top of the mountain. 

Autumn (September - October)

  • Weather Feature: The temperature is gradually cooling down in Autumn. Dunhuang weather in autumn is warm during the day and cool at night, generally neither too cold nor too hot, which makes autumn the high travel season.
  • Average Temperature: 8℃ - 26℃
  • What to Bring: Hoddie, blouses and light pants are enough for warm days; a jacket or trench coat is needed when the weather gets cool at night.
  • Seasonal Travel: Autumn is the most beautiful season in Dunhuang. The blue sky without clouds, gray Gobi, yellow sand hill, golden poplar leaves, and sweet melons, pearls and grapes. 

Winter (November - February)

  • Weather Feature: Dunhuang weather in winter is bitingly cold with significant daily temperature fluctuation. Besides, there may be strong and cold winds, which brings quite dry air.
  • Average Temperature: -11℃ to 2℃
  • What to Bring: Warm thick clothes, like padded jackets, wool overcoat, down coat as well as snow boots.
  • Seasonal Travel: Due to the cold weather, winter is the low season for Dunhuang tourism. Some of the scenic spots will not be opened from November to April next year, so if you travel in the off-season, please check the open time in advance.

Best Time to Visit Dunhuang

In view of the weather and climate, the best time to visit Dunhuang is September-October, when the weather is dry and the temperature is pleasant. The light blue sky and the golden poplars contrast with each other, constituting a especially picturesque scenery. Another duration from May to June is also recommended sightseeing for the pleasant temperature and less windy days, especially for outdoor activities

High Season

The peak season for Dunhuang tour has two durations:

  • Early may to June:  The temperature in Dunhuang is not very high and relatively cool during this period, suitable for sightseeing. Attention should be paid to the large temperature difference between day and night, bring enough clothes and wear a mask or gauze-kerchief to prevent sands blowing into your noses, eyes and hairs if plan to join desert tours in Dunhuang.
  • September-October: It is cool in this duration, with clear blue sky, gray Gobi, yellow sand hill, golden poplar leaves, and sweet melons, pearls and grapes. 

Low Season

Winter is the off-season for Dunhuang tour. The weather is getting colder and colder, and there are fewer tourists. Therefore, the prices of air tickets, hotels and scenic spots are lower than other periods. Moreover, you can enjoy the city's snowscape and have a pleasant tour experience for it will be less crowded in most tourist attractions. However, please note that some of the scenic spots will not be opened from November to April next year, so if you travel in the off-season, please check the open time in advance.

Avoid Public Holidays in China

Try to avoid the public holidays of China, such as May Day Holiday(May 1-3), National Day Holiday(October 1-7), Spring Festival Holiday(Usually early February), Qingming Festival(in early April), Dragon Boat Festival(in June), summer holiday (usually from July to August) and winter holiday (Jan to Feb) for students should also gain your consideration. Spring festival and national day festival are the most crowded time to travel. During these holidays, there will be a large crowd in the tourist attractions and you can't really enjoy yourself. Flights and hotels can cost three times as much than usual, and it's hard to get tickets during the Spring Festival.

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