Anhui Travel Tips

  • Traffic: Anhui Province takes Hefei as the center, and high-grade highways are opened across all levels of cities. The state of highway traffic in the province is developed.
  • Ethanol gasoline: Anhui Province is supplied with ethanol gasoline. Pay attention when traveling by car. Therefore, before starting a self-driving tour, it is best to know in advance whether the provinces that you want to drive by will only provide ethanol-gasoline, calculate the mileage that you may travel in these provinces, and top up the fuel tanks before entering the province.
  • Sun protection: Sun protection is very important. It’s better to prepare sun protection clothing, sun cream and sun protection hats. In addition to these protections of the skin, the eyes should also be protected. It should be noted that if you stay in the hot sun for a long time, it will hurt the cornea.
  • Clothing: In summer travel, clothes are recommended to be loose, casual, comfortable, and breathable. Try to choose light-colored clothes. Dark clothes will absorb heat in the hot sun.
  • Proper rest: Anhui is famous for mountains, so when you climb the mountains in summer and feel dizziness, sweating, and weakness, you should choose to take a rest in a cool, ventilated place. Don't just ignore yourself for fun. Such a long time, prone to severe heat stroke.
  • Anti-mosquito: At the time of play, some places with luxuriant vegetation have more mosquitoes, and you can prepare in advance some essential oils such as Fengyou and Hualu water that have insect repellent effects. If it is a person with sensitive skin, take some external skin medicine with you for emergency use.
  • Add water: When you go out to play in the summer, you sweat a lot and the water in the body is consumed quickly. You must add water in time, and you can prepare some light salt water for yourself.