Best Vegetarian Restaurants in Xian

Best Vegetarian Restaurants in Xian

If you are a vegetarian, you can also find vegetarian restaurants in Xi’an city, the followings are recommended ones for your choice.

  • Daxingshan Temple Baoyan Vegetarian Restaurant  (Daxingshan Temple Branch)大兴善寺宝严素食坊(大兴善寺店)
    Address: No. 55, Xingshan West Road, Yanta District (雁塔区兴善西街55号路)
    Tel:  029-85361181
  • Tianlong  Baoyan Vegetarian Restaurant 天龙宝严素食馆
    Address: No. 1, Ci’en West Road, Yanta District (雁塔区慈恩西路1号)
    Tel: 029-85266880
  • Ba Xian Yang Sheng Zhai 八仙养生斋
    Address: East Gate of Baxiangong, Biehuo Alley, Beilin District (碑林区北火巷八仙宫东门)
    Tel: 029-82491723