China White Tea

Chinese white tea, or “Bai Cha” (白茶), is one of the most delicate and least processed types of tea available. Originating from the Fujian Province in China, it is known for its subtle, sweet flavor and high antioxidant content. Here’s an in-depth look at Chinese white tea, including its varieties, production process, health benefits, and cultural significance:

Varieties of Chinese White Tea
Bai Hao Yinzhen (白毫银针) – Silver Needle

Description: Made exclusively from the tender buds of the tea plant, Silver Needle is considered the highest grade of white tea. The buds are covered in fine white hairs, giving them a silver appearance.
Flavor Profile: Light, sweet, and floral with a delicate aroma.
Origin: Primarily produced in Fuding and Zhenghe counties in Fujian Province.
Bai Mudan (白牡丹) – White Peony

Description: Consists of one bud and two leaves. It is slightly more oxidized than Silver Needle, giving it a fuller flavor.
Flavor Profile: Mellow, sweet, and slightly fruity with a fuller body than Silver Needle.
Origin: Also primarily produced in Fuding and Zhenghe counties.
Shou Mei (寿眉) – Longevity Eyebrow

Description: Made from the upper leaves and tips of the tea plant, it is a lower grade of white tea compared to Bai Hao Yinzhen and Bai Mudan.
Flavor Profile: Richer and bolder with a slight earthy and nutty taste.
Origin: Commonly produced in Fujian and Guangxi provinces.
Gong Mei (贡眉) – Tribute Eyebrow

Description: Similar to Shou Mei but typically considered of higher quality. It is made from the leaves that are plucked after the buds have been harvested for Bai Hao Yinzhen and Bai Mudan.
Flavor Profile: Mellow and sweet with a floral and fruity aroma.
Origin: Mainly produced in Fujian Province.